Rent Control Issues

Last Updated: April 21, 2020

Written by Paul P. Cheng, Esq., Law Offices of Paul P. Cheng, APC

Introduction. This is a summary of the current eviction law for Los Angeles County until May 30, 2020. Due to the urgency of this letter, there will be grammar and typographical errors.

Overall, all evictions both for residential and commercial ceased if you can show an impact caused by COVID-19. The Los Angeles County mortarium applies if your specific city has not previously enacted an ordinance that addresses rent for your specific situation. If it has, please refer to your local ordinance first.

Absent local ordinance, you will need to repay any amounts owed within a 12-month period after May 31, 2020. Your specific jurisdiction may be different so please read each ordinance, city ordinance before you read county ordinance, before undertaking any decision, legal or otherwise.

Procedural History. The relevant statutes are the following:

March 19, 2020: Los Angeles County ordered that unpaid rent will not lead to evictions until May 31, 2020 for tenants that are in unincorporated portions of Los Angeles. Tenants shall repay any amounts owed within a six-month period after May 31, 2020 (later extended to 12 months by the April 14, 2020 order).

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